Wed, 27 Jan
Evening Writing Course 16th Feb (1)
A super creative writing course, delivered via zoom!
Time & Location
27 Jan 2021, 19:00 – 23:00
About the event
Session times: Tuesdays: 19.00 - 21.00. Content: For many centuries writers of poetry & prose have been inspired by the creative arts. Each week we will explore writing ekphrastically, i.e. using works of art as our leaping off point. Changing art-form every session, our stimuli will include 2D images, 3D creations, the written word, film/theatre & music.
Structure: 6 x 2 hour sessions*, involving discussion, stimuli and writing to explore the theme. In addition, each session builds to a choice of Offline Tasks, which are voluntary but almost always undertaken. In-session feedback: willing attendees can volunteer to share their new writing and receive friendly but constructive peer feedback, without any pressure to do so.
Who for: novice or experienced writers of all disciplines wishing to begin, improve or experiment. NB: We are a friendly, relaxed and safe group who are very welcoming towards new members.
Class size: up to 10 participants, aged 16+ (unless agreed with facilitator before-hand)
Price: non-refundable £90, payable when your place is booked & in advance of our first session.
NB: If a session is missed, you will be sent class notes, resource images and the associated Offline Tasks.